Who are we? What is Tai Chi? Who can join? Members Contact Us

We are a small group dedicated to the practice and learning of Tai Chi and its predecessor, Lok Hup BaFa.

We started as a group within the Society, but when it stopped running classes in the outlying districts we decided that, rather than give up all the benefits we were getting from tai chi, we would set up as a group independent from the Society.

From fairly humble beginnings we have now about 20 regular members and are instructed by two instructors, both of whom have long experience as instructors with the Society.

Although we take our tai chi seriously, we are essentially a social group and should you wish to join us you will be made very welcome. We are a totally non-profit organisation and the fees we charge are designed only to cover the costs of the hall, instructors insurance and small ancilliary items of expenditure. At the moment these run to about £1 per week, but because we pay for the hall hire annually, we ask that fees are payable on an annual basis. This helps us keep costs down.

We meet every Tuesday from 6:15 to 8:00pm in the Aberlady Community Hall. For directions, see the link at the bottom of the page.

Once a good standard of tai chi is reached, we also offer instruction in Lok Hup, a more demanding form.

The form of tai chi we teach is essentially the Taoist form as taught by Master Moy Lin Shin, a former taoist monk who emigrated from China because of oppression and set up his centre in Toronto, Canada. He lived there until his death in 1998, leaving a worldwide tai chi organisation as his legacy.

For further information please use the 'contact us' link and we'll be delighted to talk to you.